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Digital transformation at the United Nations Global Compact

2019 - Present

We were hired to help UNGC drive worldwide adoption by implementing robust, scalable and user-friendly digital products and processes. We are continuing our work on multiple fronts and proudly showcasing you our achievements.

Areas covered: Development (website, CMS, infrastructure and maintenance), Architecture, Design, Product and Project Management, Data Engineering, Quality Assurance.



Infrastructure management

Migrated our Cloud provider (Heroku), error reporting improvements (AppSignal), day-to-day maintenance of a complex system that incorporates the UNGC website, database, backend, third party integrations etc

Infrastructure image, decorative


Requests per second, each hour




Active participants

Integrations with third party tools

We offered seamless integration with a variety of third-party tools to enhance productivity, streamline workflows and extend functionality.

Data engineering

  • Bring multiple Communication on Progress (CoP) data sources together and create one central data source that can be easily browsed by UNGC teams.
  • Worked with BCG consultants for the development of the dashboards for the CoP 2023 and implemented preliminary dashboards with the consolidated data in Tableau
COP Dashboard

Forward Faster Initiative

A digital product meant to increase accountability and transparency by calling for companies to publicly declare their commitments and highlight the actions they will undertake to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.

Forward Faster website
Forward Faster website

Transformational Governance Tool

The TG self-assessment tool is a tool for businesses to provide companies with a better understanding of where they are in their transformational governance journey.

Transformational Governance Tool website
Transformational Governance Tool website

On your path to digital transformation? Let's chat and see how we can help you

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